Induction Skull Melting (ISM)
Induction Skull Melting (ISM) – Cold Wall Induction Crucible Melting
Induction Skull Melting was developed to improve processing for the casting of titanium. Historically, titanium was purified via vacuum arc remelting, but there were many drawbacks due to its high reactivity creating impurities. The ISM process uses a segmented, water-cooled, copper crucible to avoid contamination of the reactive alloys. The segments allow the magnetic field from the induction coil to couple with the titanium, or other metal charged inside the crucible, melting the charge. A thin shell (skull) freezes along the crucible walls and base, containing the molten metal, which can be quickly removed to change alloys.
Providing Heating & Melting Solutions Since 1916
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European Recycler of Precious Metals Orders Two Medium Frequency Coreless Induction Melting Furnaces from Ajax TOCCO Magnethermic
Aug 22, 2013 by Ajax TOCCO MagnethermicLearn how Ajax TOCCO helped a recycler of precious metals replace their existing furnaces with two medium frequency coreless induction melting furnaces.
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